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Master Health Check-ups

Health Check-up Packages

Being a Partner in Wellness

  • For Information Call: Direct Line: 45928546 / Ext.:45928500/546.
  • Nothing in this world is more precious than your health. To preserve this priceless possession, a timely preventive health check-up should be undertaken.
  • Indians are succumbing to non-communicable diseases like HT (DM) cardio vascular diseases at a younger age due to high risk factors.
  • A complete health check-up will help you to minimize the risk factors & keep any illness away.
  • Keeping the concept in view, we, at Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre aim at moving beyond the doctor-patient relationship, to that of being your partner in Healthcare. With our comprehensive Healthcare programs we are well on our way to achieve this goal.
  • Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, the single largest Healthcare facility in Chennai and one of the largest in South Asia offers comprehensive Healthcare packages to suit your varied needs. A range of modern diagnostic equipment enables reliable and fast investigation and timely report.
Master Health Check - Price Rs.3200/-

Today there is an increasingly perceptible change in disease patterns and it is essential that every individual undergoes regular health checks. This will help detect problems at an early stage and increase the chances of cure.

  1. Heamogram
    • Haemoglobin,
    • Packed cell volume
    • R.B.C Count
    • MCHC, MCV, MCH
    • Total WBC/Differential Count
    • ESR
    • Peripheral Smear
    • Platelet count
  2. Lipid Profile
    • Total cholesterol
    • HDL Cholesterol
    • LDL Cholesterol
    • Triglycerides
    • Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio
  3. Liver Function Test
    • Total Protein, albumin, globulin
    • SGPT, SGOT
    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • GGPT
    • S. Bilirubin
  4. Biochemical Parameters
    • Fasting Blood sugar
    • HbA1C
    • Urea, Creatinine
    • Uric Acid
  5. General Tests
    • Blood Grouping - RH typing
    • Complete urine analysis
    • Stool Test for Occult Blood
    • Pap Smear(for Women)
    • oPSA ( Men)
    • ECG(Resting)
    • X-Ray Chest
    • Ultra sonogram of the abdomen (Screening)
    • Clinical Examination
    • Medical Summary and advice by a physician
    • Diet Counselling
Executive Health Check - Price Rs.4700/-
  1. Haemogram
    • Haemoglobin,
    • Packed cell volume
    • R.B.C Count
    • MCHC, MCV, MCH
    • Total WBC / Differential Count
    • ESR
    • Peripheral Smear
    • Platelet count
  2. Lipid Profile
    • Total cholesterol
    • HDL Cholesterol
    • LDL Cholesterol
    • Triglycerides
    • Total Cholesterol / HDL Ratio.
  3. Liver Function Test
    • Total Protein, albumin, globulin
    • SGPT, SGOT
    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • GGPT
    • S. Bilirubin
  4. Biochemical Parameters
    • Fasting Blood sugar
    • HbA1C
    • Urea, Creatinine
    • Uric Acid
  5. General Tests
    • Blood Grouping - RH typing
    • Complete urine analysis
    • Stool Test for Occult Blood
    • Pap Smear (for Women)
    • PSA ( Men)
    • ECG (Resting)
    • X-Ray Chest
    • Ultra sonogram of the abdomen (Screening)
    • Clinical Examination
    • Medical Summary and advice by a physician
    • Diet Counselling
Diabetic Package - Price Rs.4700/-
  1. Haemogram
    • Haemoglobin,
    • Packed cell volume
    • R.B.C Count
    • MCHC, MCV, MCH
    • Total WBC / Differential Count
    • ESR
    • Peripheral Smear
    • Platelet count
  2. Lipid Profile
    • Total cholesterol
    • HDL Cholesterol
    • LDL Cholesterol
    • Triglycerides
    • Total Cholesterol / HDL Ratio.
  3. Liver Function Test
    • Total Protein, albumin, globulin
    • SGPT, SGOT
    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • GGPT
    • S. Bilirubin
  4. Biochemical Parameters
    • Fasting Blood sugar
    • Urea, Creatinine
    • Uric Acid
  5. General Tests
    • Blood grouping - Rh typing
    • Complete Urine Analysis
    • Stool for occult blood
    • Pap smear (Women)
    • PSA (for Men)
    • ECG (Resting)
    • X-Ray Chest
    • Ultra sonogram of the abdomen (Screening)
    • Clinical Examination
    • Cardiac Stress Analysis CSA (TMT) or ECHO
    • Thyroid Function Test
    • Medical Summary and advice by a physician
    • Diet Counselling
    • Endocrinologist consultation
    • Physician consultation and Medical summary
Geriatric Health Check ( above 60 Yrs) - Price Rs.6200/-
  1. Haemogram
    • Hb
    • Pcv
    • Rbc
    • Mchc
    • Mcv
    • Mch
    • Total WBC
    • DC
    • ESR
    • Peripheral smear
    • Platelets
  2. Lipid Profile
    • Total cholesterol
    • HDL
    • LDL
    • TGL
    • Total cholesterol / HDL ratio
  3. Liver Function Test
    • Total protien
    • albumin
    • Globulin
    • SGPT
    • SGOT
    • Alk.Phosphates
    • GGPT
    • SerumBilirubin)
  4. Biochemical Parameters
    • FBS
    • Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Uric acid
  5. General Tests
    • Blood grouping -Rh typing
    • Complete Urine Analysis
    • Stool for occult blood
    • ECG
    • X-ray Chest
    • USG abdomen (Screening)
    • Pap smear (Women)
    • PSA (Men)
    • Vitamin D 25 OH+HbA1c+Serum. Electrolytes+S. Calcium + Echo + Dexa Scan (Hip & LS Spine) + EYE +ENT and Dental Examination
    • Clinical Examination
    • Diet counselling
    • Physician consultation and Medical summary.
Well Women Health Check - Price Rs. 6200/-
  1. Haemogram
    • Hb
    • Pcv
    • Rbc
    • Mchc
    • Mcv
    • Mch
    • Total WBC
    • DC
    • ESR
    • Peripheral smear
    • Platelets
  2. Lipid Profile
    • Total cholesterol
    • HDL
    • LDL
    • TGL
    • Total cholesterol / HDL ratio
  3. Liver Function Test
    • Total protien
    • albumin
    • Globulin
    • SGPT
    • SGOT
    • Alk.Phosphates
    • GGPT
    • SerumBilirubin)
  4. Biochemical Parameters
    • FBS
    • Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Uric acid
  5. General Tests
    • Blood grouping -Rh typing
    • Complete Urine Analysis
    • Stool for occult blood
    • ECG
    • X-ray Chest
    • USG abdomen(Screening)
    • Pap smear
    • TSH3
    • Mammogram
    • Vitamin D 25 OH
    • S.Calcium
    • Gynaecology consultation
    • Clinical Examination
    • Diet counselling
    • Physician consultation and Medical summary
Executive Heart Check - Price Rs. 8200/-
  1. Haemogram
    • Hb
    • Pcv
    • Rbc
    • Mchc
    • Mcv
    • Mch
    • Total WBC
    • DC
    • ESR
    • Peripheral smear
    • Platelets
  2. Lipid Profile
    • Total cholesterol
    • HDL
    • LDL
    • TGL
    • Total cholesterol / HDL ratio
  3. Liver Function Test
    • Total Protein, albumin, globulin
    • SGPT, SGOT
    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • GGPT
    • S. Bilirubin
  4. Biochemical Parameters
    • FBS
    • Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Uric acid
  5. General Tests
    • Blood grouping - Rh typing
    • Complete Urine Analysis
    • Stool for occult blood
    • ECG
    • X-ray Chest
    • USG abdomen(Screening)
    • Pap smear (Women)
    • TMT
    • PSA (Men)
    • Thyroid Function Test or pulmonary function test
    • Echo
    • Serum.Electrolytes
    • Vitamin D 25 OH
    • HbA1c + Additional Cardiac risk
    • markers - HSCRP
    • Cardiologist consultation Clinical Examination
    • Diet Counseling
    • Physician consultation and Medical summary
Whole Body Health Check ( Men) - Price Rs. 9700/-
  1. Haemogram
    • Hb
    • Pcv
    • Rbc
    • Mchc
    • Mcv
    • Mch
    • Total WBC
    • DC
    • ESR
    • Peripheral smear
    • Platelets
  2. Lipid Profile
    • Total cholesterol
    • HDL
    • LDL
    • TGL
    • Total cholesterol / HDL ratio
  3. Liver Function Test
    • Total protien
    • albumin
    • Globulin
    • SGPT
    • SGOT
    • Alk.Phosphates
    • GGPT
    • Serum Bilirubin
  4. Biochemical Parameters
    • FBS
    • Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Uric acid
  5. General Tests
    • Blood grouping -Rh typing
    • Complete Urine Analysis
    • Stool for occult blood
    • ECG
    • X-ray Chest
    • USG abdomen (Screening)
    • PSA
    • Thyroid Function test
    • Echo or TMT
    • Serum.Electrolytes + Vitamin D25 OH + HbA1c + Additional Cardiac risk markers - HSCRP
    • Dexa Scan ( Hip & LS Spine) Cardiologist consultation
    • ENT
    • EYE and Dental Examination
    • Clinical Examination
    • Diet Counseling
    • Physician consultation and Medical summary
Whole Body Health Check ( Women) - Price Rs. 10700/-
  1. Haemogram
    • Hb
    • Pcv
    • Rbc
    • Mchc
    • Mcv
    • Mch
    • Total WBC
    • DC
    • ESR
    • Peripheral smear
    • Platelets
  2. Lipid Profile
    • Total cholesterol
    • HDL
    • LDL
    • TGL
    • Total cholesterol / HDL ratio
  3. Liver Function Test
    • Total protien
    • albumin
    • Globulin
    • SGPT
    • SGOT
    • Alk.Phosphates
    • GGPT
    • Serum Bilirubin
  4. Biochemical Parameters
    • FBS
    • Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Uric acid
  5. General Tests
    • Blood grouping -Rh typing
    • Complete Urine Analysis
    • Stool for occult blood
    • ECG
    • X-ray Chest
    • USG abdomen(Screening)
    • Pap smear
    • Thyroid Function test
    • Echo or TMT
    • Serum. Electrolytes + Vitamin D25 OH
    • HbA1c
    • Additional Cardiac risk markers - HSCRP
    • Dexa Scan ( Hip & LS Spine) Cardiologist consultation
    • ENT
    • EYE
    • Dental Examination
    • Cardiologist consultation
    • Clinical Examination
    • Diet Counseling
    • Physician consultation and Medical summary
  6. Mammogram
Teenage Health Check ( upto 20 yrs) - Price Rs. 1250/-
  • Hb
  • RBS
  • TSH3
  • Peripheral smear
  • Urine analysis
  • Chest X-ray
  • S.Creatinine
  • Dental Consultation
  • Pead Consultation
Pre-Employment Health Check - Price Rs. 2700/-
  • CBC
  • FBS
  • ECG
  • Chest X-Ray
  • USG abdomen (screening)
  • Blood Grouping & Rh + HIV I & II + VDRL + EYE
  • ENT and Dental examination
Master Health Check Up - Additional Information
  • For Information Call:  Direct Line: 45928546 / Ext.:45928500/546 /467
  • Report at Master Health Check-up OPD between 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. We work on all days except Public Holidays.
  • Please maintain 10 hours of fasting prior to the procedure in the morning (may drink 1 or 2 glasses of plain water).
  • Kindly bring your morning samples of urine and stool in a clean container (sterilized containers for samples may be collected a day in advance from SRMC). Note: you can give the Urine sample and Stool Sample after reporting to the MHC department.
  • In case you are taking any medication(s), please bring your prescription / medication along with you.
  • If you are having chest pain, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, if you are pregnant or are suspecting Pregnancy, kindly inform MHC Department Reception.
  • It is advisable to wear casual clothes so as to facilitate clothes change while undergoing tests.
  • After Completing the Process, meet your health check-up Doctor again for further advice.

The Health check-up examination & routine investigations have certain limitations and may not be able to detect all latent & asymptomatic diseases.